LY USA The Official Website Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:11:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Laughter Flash Newsletter 2024 Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:11:54 +0000 Read the full 17-page Newsletter here!

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Laughter Flash-SPRING 2024- Newsletter pdfDownload

Read the full 17-page Newsletter here!

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April 7, 2021 Redefining Addiction and Recovery Through Laughter Yoga Wed, 03 Mar 2021 00:44:03 +0000 A special 90 minute Zoom workshop on Zoom about Redefining Addiction and Recovery Through Laughter Yoga presented by Slash Coleman, MAed, CLYT.

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April 7, 2021 Redefining Addiction and Recovery

Did you miss Laughter Yoga’s Workshop No. 5 “Redefining Addiction and Recovery Through Laughter Yoga” with Slash Coleman? You can watch it on Facebook for the next 10 days.

2021 04-07 Slash Coleman Workshop
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March 20, 2021: Spring into Mindfulness Wed, 03 Mar 2021 00:24:12 +0000 A special 90 minute Zoom workshop on mindfulness presented by Tracy Wosaba, CLYL.

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March 20, 2021: Spring into Mindfulness

2021 03-20 Mindfulness Workshop
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February 20, 2021: A Guide to Laughter Longevity Tue, 02 Feb 2021 20:34:14 +0000 A special 90 minute Zoom workshop on Laughter Longevity presented by Francine Shore, CYLT.

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February 20, 2021: A Guide to Laughter Longevity

Laughter Yoga USA Workshop Series presents:

A Guide to Laughter Longevity with Francine Shore

As laughter yoga professionals, we’ve been chosen to share the gift of laughter with the world. But what happens when the laughter professional experiences adversity and loss?

You may ask, how can I endure and carry on with my laughter practice? How can I inspire or guide someone else when I don’t feel like laughing? We are all going through our personal challenges and yet we strive to stay dynamic, resilient, and positive.

I’d like to share some insight from my journey of 18 years as a laughter yoga professional so you can achieve Laughter Longevity and rise to the challenges, we all are facing. With my laughter tips, we’ll work through the tools you’ll need to maintain recurring clients for paid workshops, programs and laughter clubs. Learn how to work with different groups, or find your own laughter groove with a niche population.

You’ll also learn how your presence in the Laughter Yoga USA community adds to your Laughter Longevity. Learn your value, know your worth and what sets you apart from others.

I look forward to learning about your individual laughter personas, as we lean into the future of laughter yoga together.

*Please bring a decorative mask.

**Download the Workshop PDF

**Fee: $25 or any donation to Laughter Yoga USA- use this Paypal link or email for more options.

2021 Francine Shore- Workshop Promo
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January 17, 2021: Zoom 2021 – Best Practices Workshop Fri, 08 Jan 2021 18:38:14 +0000 A special 90 minute Zoom workshop on Zoom Best Practices for Laughter presented by Cynthia Paris, CLYT.

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January 17, 2021: Zoom 2021 - Best Practices Workshop

Laughter Yoga USA Workshop Series presents:

Zoom 2021 – Best Practices for Laughter and more!

Hello friends,
Life is always changing, nothing stays the same! This past year, many of us have turned to online connection during our physical social distancing. We have used Zoom, Microsoft, Google, FaceTime, WhatsApp, FB Messenger and more. Zoom is a favorite of many Laughter Yogi around the world. This workshop is designed as a Tutorial with practice on Zoom. Some of the practices are also useful for other online platforms.
Ha ha – we live, we learn. I will share some of the mistakes made in my daily Zoom sessions and guide you through some effective solutions. We will learn Best Practices with breakout rooms, registration, filters, polls and more.
This 90 minute session is designed to include playful Laughter Yoga. Topics and techniques we cover are helpful for anyone using online- yoga, meditation, social, business, meetings, etc.
Are you a Laughter Yoga professional using Zoom? We hope you join this session and share what you have learned during our Facilitated Discussion.
Brand new to Zoom online and not sure if this is for you? Join a basic intro session (Zoom 101) prior to this class. Free for anyone registered for Zoom 2021. Easy to access by clicking a web link from a smartphone or computer.
See you soon on Zoom,
– Cynthia
**Designed for practitioners of Laughter Yoga and Trainers of other modalities too! Truly, anyone wishing to host online will benefit. ** Brand new to Zoom ? A basics course -“Zoom 101” is offered prior. Free for registered Zoom 2021 participants. contact:
**Zoom 2021 will include Facilitated discussion sharing your ‘lessons learned’ during a portion of class.
**Fee: $25 or any donation to Laughter Yoga USA- use this Paypal link or email for more options.
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November 14, 2020: Workshop for Teachers with Alexa Fong Drubay Fri, 16 Oct 2020 18:40:06 +0000 A special 90 minute Zoom workshop for teachers (CLYT) presented by Alexa Fong Drubay, CMT.

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November 14, 2020: Workshop for Teachers (CLYT)

Dear Laughter Yoga Teachers,
Have you been on the fence about offering online Certified Laughter Yoga Leader trainings? Pre COVID-19, I was opposed to virtual trainings but now it looks like we won’t be going back to in-person trainings for at least another year.
With the lingering pandemic, many people are feeling overwhelmed, anxious and in need of laughter. Prospective students kept reaching out to me for training, and so I tried out a special test course. I was surprised by how effective it turned out to be. Since then, I have completed two more online trainings.
After the success of our recent Laughter Yoga USA. org Fall 2020 zoom event, we have decided to start up some follow-up workshops. The first one will be Training Laughter Leaders Online.
This workshop will share the best practices from my online experiences. Virtual classes are more labor intensive from a teacher standpoint and yes, there is a learning curve re technology and the most effective ways to conduct this training.
Please join me for this 90-minute workshop, where I will share what I have learned to help you develop your own style. There will  be plenty of time for Q & A and discussion.
Virtually yours,
Alexa Fong Drubay's Workshop for Teachers
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Laughter During Times of Stress Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:54:20 +0000

Laughter During Times of Stress

Is Laughter Yoga Appropriate Right Now?


In our personal lives and in the world, things are quite serious. When laughing with others, we must choose when and how to offer Laughter Yoga in a respectful way. Because this skill does not rely on jokes or humor, it’s much more flexible to be used in a variety of circumstances. During stress, choosing to laugh by yourself can provide valuable stress relief.


From my perspective, laughing every day is a useful form of exercise and mental health care. I have suffered through loss and health problems where depression can sneak in easily. Making the choice to laugh alone daily allows me some influence on my own health. Sometimes laughter flows easily, while other times crying is the result. After surgery, silent laughing or daily smiling is all that is possible, yet continuing the habit maintains my sense of self. Loss of control can add to already stressful events. Regaining some autonomy through smiles and laughs feels empowering!


During tough times, sadness, stress and fear build up in our minds and bodies. Laughter Yoga as a coping skill is a simple and effective release. Our mind can shift into a relaxed or even cheerful state with hearty laughter. Life circumstances may not change, yet how we feel can actually change very quickly.


When I feel awful, the old fashioned advice of my great grandmother still applies: try a drink of water, a solid night sleep and a good hearty laugh! Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho!


Cynthia Paris
CLYT — Eagle Lake, Wisconsin

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Laughter Yoga on Zoom Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:52:59 +0000

Laughter Yoga on Zoom

Online Laughter Groups with Zoom

We have many options to continue laughter despite many locations still social distancing. Zoom interactive video conferencing is one of the easiest and most popular options from a computer or smartphone app. Because it is interactive, it allows eye contact which we know encourages contagious laughing! Early in March, many laughter professionals began hosting free sessions on Zoom.


Here are some basic ideas to help you join in the fun!


  1. Mute? Video off? Generally, we use Zoom so we can hear and see one another in real time, allowing contagious laughter. If you have background noise- be courteous and mute your microphone. Being online can get tiring. Some may be tempted to multi-task, especially if there is excessive talking or distractions. Video does take a lot of bandwidth (internet power). If there is an issue with screens freezing often, you may need others to turn off their video. Of course, the downside is less group eye contact, although in a pinch it can help. If you need to walk away for a moment, turning off video is a good idea.


  1. Prepare your lighting and background. Light your face and arms from side or front, not from behind or ceiling.  Try a practice Zoom to check for shadows or bright spots when you move. Be aware to look directly at your camera and not just at screen. It is easy to get distracted and look at your own image too often, so practice will help. Studies show that cognitive fatigue occurs more often when we constantly look at our own image. It is not natural to see yourself every moment and it causes slow grade cognitive distress! Solve it by looking at camera and others more.
    CourtesyKeep your background simple if possible. Be aware of your audience and adapt your background. Child friendly? Professional? Cheerful? Promotional? However, avoid promotions of your groups, clubs or training when in someone else’s group- unless they ask of course! As a courtesy, message host before session if you plan to have a sign advertising your or someone else’s business/club. Zoom allows us to be intimately invited into groups and clubs that we did not have access to before! With this invitation comes the need to walk gently. If you choose to use the feature allowing computer photo to show as your background- please be aware that it can be distracting and sometimes you “disappear” into the background. Of course, many of us are at home on Zoom- don’t forget to look behind you for dirty dishes, messy tables or other things that might look odd on camera! You can always turn off your video if you suddenly notice a background that is too distracting.


  1. Troublemakers? Many people are stressed and looking for an outlet. Same as an in-person group, you may see outbursts or other behavior that’s not appropriate. Fortunately, the host can remove a participant by right clicking on their picture or place them in waiting room (time out). If it is a large group, co-hosts can be designated to assist. Be sure to keep the default video setting which allows only host to share computer screen content. Address trouble quickly and go on with your group.
    If you find some LY Pros joining your sessions and not respecting your lead or style, please message them privately. When you are a guest, be sure to show support and respect of the host!


  1. Meeting ID and password. A method to control who attends online sessions- the host can create unique meeting IDs or passwords. Some people feel this helps prevent troublemakers, however, it could make it too complicated for group members. If you host a weekly session, it is easiest to keep the same ID each week. For one-time or private sessions, emailing attendees the new ID is simple.

  1. Landline? Did you know that Zoom works with any phone? From within the USA, using a dial in option will allow participants to listen and join laughter Zooms. Of course, they will not have video, but hearing laughter can rejuvenate those without higher tech options.


  1. Support others yet allow the host to lead. Being online with Zoom allows us to visit clubs anywhere! It’s a wonderful opportunity to be joyful and support other Laughter professionals. We can jump into their club with just a few clicks- no travel needed! Hosts often open their sessions for clients, new laughers, laugh pros or others and post information allowing anyone to join. SharingHowever, another reminder, please be courteous when you are a guest. Please wait for host to invite sharing before you share about your own club, training or other event. Keep in mind that each host has a different feeling about promotion — especially regarding paid events or trainings. Some hosts want guests to share, while other hosts prefer not.


As you travel on this zoom journey- you will notice a variety of styles,themes, and formats.

Basic style categories can be described as:

  1. Talking (introductions, explanations, discussion, etc.)
  2. Follow the Leader (limited or no talking)
  3. Just Laugh (laughing, giggling without a leader or specific LY exercise)
  4. The Arts – music, dance, sing, play (with or without laughter)
  5. Combination of Ctyles (mixture of any or all the above)


In the next newsletter, we will share best practices for each style. Please send us your thoughts and comments! It is exciting and fun to participate with so many different styles- without ever leaving your home! For many, Zoom laughter groups are here to stay. Join in the fun- I look forward to zooming with you soon!

Cynthia Paris
CLYT — Eagle Lake, Wisconsin

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The Creative Corner: July 2020 Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:52:00 +0000

The Creative Corner: HOPE

Creativity is intelligence having fun.

– Albert Einstein

It’s timely that we should launch our 2020 Laughter Yoga USA Newsletter during the pandemic and the rising of racial upheaval and political unrest.


Recently, we have found ourselves awakened to a new world. The world as we know it has forever changed.


Francine ShoreLaughter Yoga as a healing art form has the ability to educate, inspire, motivate, awaken our senses, our mindfulness and enhance our creativity. The laughter exercises themselves are improvisational and they allow us to remain alert and think quickly on our feet- which is helpful in our personal and professional lives. It’s no wonder that many creative types are drawn to the Laughter Yoga community. We as Laughter professionals are like magicians or alchemists; we weave and cast our magical laughter spells, which help to transform a depressing or negative mood for our client’s population. At any given time, Laughter Yogis get to start out our day using a blank canvas, as metaphor. Coloring our world, we decide on the strokes, the images, the words, and how this can help to shape or frame our day and transcend any emotional and physical pain. We apply these brushed strokes- which give us permission to laugh in the face of adversity, be creative, joyful and playful.


The Alexander Pope quote, “Hope springs eternal,” comes to mind in the darkest of times. In The Laughter Flash: The Creative Corner,  we’ll SHINE A LIGHT ON and get to highlight a few Laughter Yogis in the community who have shared their creativity in various art forms. I’ve chosen the theme of HOPE, which seems fitting during these challenging times, to uplift our spirits towards brighter future full of possibilities.


Throughout the Laughter years, these women profiled, have journeyed in their homes, streets, beaches, and gardens- stumbling upon new vistas and gaining fresh perspectives through their creativity. These explorations have helped to stir their creative juices and ignite their spirits- leaving them bubbling with new insights and emerging creative endeavors.


Poetry of Hope

I’ve included Cara Nusinov’s poem entitled “Tomorrows.”  Cara writes, “When I saw children popping bubbles and deer leap in these challenging times, I laughed and felt hopeful. I laugh for health as a laughter leader. As a poet, I write about serious and happy events. I strive for balance. My mother says, where there is life there is hope.”

TOMORROWS by Cara Nusinov

“Hope” is the thing with feathers. – Emily Dickinson


There is hope in bubbles touched by toddlers

as they waddle through a meadow,

through daisy petals swaying to unheard music.


It makes me laugh, and you laugh, too,

in fields of flowers where yellow dandelions

dust hillsides and reappear year after year.


Each season deer fly over the fence

at dusk.Horses nuzzle and neigh; they jump

their hurdles, clear hedges, what faith they have.


Optimism is free, you cannot touch it,

it’s why we plant our feet on the floor

each morning, it’s elusive, concrete joy,


so, we’ll cry, we’ll giggle, we’ll capture images

or write about subtle hope, celestial plans,

tomorrows. I’ll grab some mirth, breathe, laugh.

Flowers of Hope

Cynthia Conus Keeler‘s photographic images are a series of yellow hued flowers and plants. I choose her uplifting yellow colored images, as the color yellow represents: optimism, creativity, happiness, enthusiasm, and confidence. Cynthia writes, “Walking in nature is my meditation. It keeps me in the here and now. Each time I visit the gardens, different flowers are blooming and replacing those that are fading away, which represent the cycle of life, I guess.”

Color Me with Hope

Sarah Routman creates playful, whirly and swirly pages to color on Laughter Doodles. You can download her designs on the Laughter Doodle Facebook page for free.

Here’s Sarah’s Laughter Doodle of HOPE. Sarah writes,” When you’ve laughed yourself out of your mind, a few minutes coloring can be just what the doctor ordered. When you color Laughter Doodles, you get the best of both laughter and coloring together.”

Download the Laughter Doodle of HOPE.

Morning Dew of Hope

Elaine Nieberdling’s photographic images are morning remnants of a nighttime shower. Elaine writes, “There’s beauty in them collecting in a way we could notice and honor H20, the same water that compromises 60% or so, of our physical presence.” When Elaine is taking photographs, she adds,” Sometimes, it’s just textures and visual delight. The sidewalk chalk with the word HOPE really captured the playful curiosity that I associate with hope. Openness to joy that a being, more free and innocent- expresses, embodies.”

Here’s to continued joy, laughter and creativity in the upcoming months, as we navigate this precarious time of uncertainty.


I look forward to seeing you around the corner.


Francine Shore
CLYT — New York, New York

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The Laughter Flash: July 2020 Wed, 08 Jul 2020 12:50:29 +0000

Greetings Fellow Laughter Yogis,

I hope this message finds you all safe, healthy and resilient. What a year it has been thus far. It seemed we were off to a jubilant start with the 25th Anniversary of Laughter Yoga on the horizon. Then COVID-19 broadsided the economies of the world, our LY activities included.

We are writing today to bring everyone up to date on what is happening with Laughter Yoga USA.

We were sad to have to cancel our Year 2020 LY USA East Coast event due to the pandemic. These get-togethers are great ways to hone our craft and they’re a lot of fun too. Many thanks again to those of you who joined us in Chicago at the 1st Laughter Yoga USA Conference in 2017 and then in Orlando in 2018. So many great memories!

The attendees at the 2016 Laughter Yoga gathering in Stonypoint, New York​ ​agreed that we needed to create a national organization to help coordinate and advance our efforts to spread the benefits of laughter to communities across the nation. We really thank those who became charter members by contributing $40 in first year dues to get the ball rolling. We were off to a slow start but as of today, we volunteer directors – Cynthia Paris, Francine Shore and myself at the helm, are excited about the future of Laughter Yoga USA.

Officially, we have transferred our Laughter Yoga non-profit organization from the state of Wisconsin to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Our mission is nicely compatible with the state’s slogan, “Pursue your Happiness.” All of the LY USA membership renewal fees have been waived through the end of this year. However, we welcome donations of any size which will help us fund future LY USA programs, research and events. ​

A lot has happened since Laughter Yoga’s humble beginnings in 1995. It will continue to evolve into how it needs to be to serve the planet. We are all part of this amazing laughter revolution. At times like this when so many people have lost their jobs and are sheltering anxiously in place because of the pandemic, the gift of laughter is even more needed. This is no time to slow down. In the face of adversity, we Laughter Yogis are a creative and resilient bunch.

Since public, in-person laughter sessions are on hold for the time being, we have shifted to online Laughter Yoga opportunities. There is a wide selection of LY YouTube videos, Facebook live events, social media postings, laughter calls etc., and we have been experiencing a major Zoom boom. Laughter clubs are blooming and online trainings, coachings, workshops and retreats are in development.

Who knows how long it will take for us to resume our previous LY activities. So let’s focus on what we can do NOW! This extra time has given us the chance to become more introspective, many of us found ways to reinvent ourselves. Onward bound! We are learning new skills for our well being and for some, innovative technical ones like how to manage zoom calls and other online platforms and also finding clever ways to extend our work, even without the use of computers. More time at home has allowed us new opportunities to connect with people around us. We are s t r e t c h i n g out of our comfort zones and sharing laughter in all kinds of exciting ways.

This newsletter includes two important contributions by Cynthia Paris and Francine Shore. Cynthia will introduce you to the many different types of LY group Zoom sessions that have sprouted up and she will share with you her tips and best practices recommended by Laughter Yoga USA. I am very grateful to Cynthia for seizing the initiative to start up the Laughter Yoga Zoom Group- Laughter Social Clubs ​.

Cynthia has also invested a lot of time into maintaining an updated schedule of all the submitted Zoom calls happening in the USA, Canada, Mexico and all around the world. This is where hosts can post their meetings details. I find this page extremely helpful and allows the rest of us to have a better oversight of all the Zoom offerings. Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by this new technology? Join Cynthia on one of her Zoom tutorial group calls. She offers great tips and suggestions on how to get started and helps us understand the proper do’s and don’ts.

The impressionist artist Edgar Degas said: “Art is not what you see but what you make others see.” Art soothes the soul and feeds our senses. We are all laughter artists because as laughter yogis, Dr. Kataria encourages each of us to express ourselves in our individual way. No cookie cutter delivery here! The message may be the same, but the presentation is unique. In practicing our LY work, we become liberated and our imagination flows. We not only discover “Aha!” moments for ourselves but we create them for others. As curator of our Creative Corner, Francine has selected some inspiring and uplifting messages, quotes, and images for us. Seeing this collection just lifts my spirits. Enjoy!


We are excited to announce a special Zoom LY USA Event:
Laughter Yoga USA
A Day of Healing Laughter and Renewal
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Dr. Kataria & Madhuri will be our special guests, along with many others from our LY USA laughter world. If you are interested in volunteering to be a speaker, please watch our website for details TBA.

We are delighted to have the multi-talented Kara Sherman join us as a team member. In addition to her talents as a Laughter Leader, artist and musician, she has wonderful IT skills that she has been generously employing to help update and maintain our website. She also assisted with this newsletter. Thank you, Kara!

Please check out our new and improved website to read the latest updates. Would you like to join our team and become a volunteer? If you are able to donate a few hours each week or month to helping us, let us know.

I know our group contains a lot of people with ideas to share. We would love to hear from you. Laughter Yoga remains committed to serving as a way for us to unite and thrive through meaningful dialogue and laughter. Thank you for your support!

CMT — Media, Pennsylvania

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